A year ago, today, was my due date. I forgot until I was reading a blog and the title was "6/11". When I saw the date, all of the emotions I felt on this day last year came flooding down. I woke up, still pregnant, and realized I would not see my baby on the day that was promised. My rational brain knew this, after all only about 5% of babies are born on their edd. But my irrational, I've been pregnant for 40! weeks, I want to hold my baby, brain whined "this isn't fair!". Little did I know it would be ELEVEN more days before Finn would come. Those 11 days were hard. You start to think you're going to be pregnant forever. Your mind starts to play tricks on you. Your husband starts to think that there isn't really a baby, this has all been a rouse for foot rubs and cupcakes.
Before we were three, we were four
One of our last days as a twosome, picnicking in the park
This is one of my favorite pregnancy pics because the look on my face says it all. "I'm hot, tired, and huge!". I can't believe Finn was in there!
I also can't believe it's been an entire year that he's been here! Time has flown & so much in our life has changed. And yet, not really. Having a baby is an everyday occurrence all around the world. But it's a mind blowing, life altering occurrence for the people becoming parents. Your life gets turned upside down and inside out. But the world outside of your bubble keeps on going. Life goes on, C'est la vie. And then you slowly re-enter as a family of three.
That's what this next year feels like, like we have been on planet Finn and are slowly coming back down to Earth.
- Sarah
great memories babe:)