Monday, June 25, 2012

Dear Finn {12 months}

Last week we celebrated your first birthday. People told me it would go by fast and boy were they right. It feels like a blink ago we were bringing you home, nursing at all hours of the night, and changing diapers 24/7. I've loved every minute of this last year. Even the midnight, 2, 4, and 6am feedings you were rocking at 5 months.

At 12 months you are such a happy baby. You have transformed from a blob to a human, as your dad would say. You love to give wide open mouth kisses and snuggle in bed with us in the morning and after naps. You love to wave, and ham it up. Especially with the ladies.

You love your daddy and get so excited to see him when he comes home or gets you out of your crib. You love mama's hair. It's your comfort. You love to play with it, eat it, and nuzzle it.

You are a great eater and we haven't found a food that you don't like. Some of your favorites are strawberries, blueberries, avacado, turkey, salmon, black beans and rice, sweet potato, and eggs. You also love bath time. We sing your bath song and you go racing towards the tub. Your least favorite things are diaper changes and being told no. Although, you do listen when told "no touch" by shaking your head no and giving me a sly grin.

We have been taking you all over the place lately. You love the pool, ocean, and the sand. You love going for walks to the playground, and aren't afraid of the big slide or the swing. You and I have been riding bikes and you really seem to enjoy it, especially when you get down and can play with the wheels.

You love to help mama in the kitchen, and do a great job of keeping my drawers organized. Pots, pans, tupperware, and the ziplock drawer get dumped out on a daily basis.

I love to watch you play, and squeal with enthusiasm and delight when you see another baby or kid. You do very well so far with sharing. I hope you continue to be a kind and sweet friend.

Lately you have taken an interest in books. Some of your favorites are the Sandra Boynton books and the Dr. Suess nursery set. You also love music and clap and bounce whenever you hear a catchy tune. Your giggle is infectious when we tickle you or say "I'm gonna getcha!".

You are babbling like crazy and can communicate "more" and "all done" in sign language. You also can say "mama", "da", "ba" (ball), and "na" (nurse).

It's so much fun to watch you explore your world and learn so much everyday, I can hardly keep up. You took your first steps at 11 months and over the last week have been walking all over the place. Soon, you will be cruising.

Run wild, my child.



Photos by Nicole Simon Photography

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